Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Cisco Launches New Linksys E-Series Routers

  Cisco today unveiled a new line of Linksys wireless routers, designed to let its core audience of tech experts and enthusiasts take their home networking experience to the next level. The new, streamlined product lineup sets a new precedent…

4-Port Brick USB Hub

I think we all have a fondness for Legos, and I think that’s where the appeal of the brick style accessories comes in, it reminds us of our childhood and the fun we had playing with Legos. For $10, plus…

Toshiba Introduces 1TB Canvio Portable HDD

Interesting name, wonder what it means?  Anyway, Toshiba just announced these portable drives with the odd names in several sizes for 500gb up to 1TB with prices ranging from $120 to $200. They’re made to be a backup solution for…

Maingear PCs feature GTX 470/480

The new Nvidia cards launched last week and if you’re looking to get a pre-built system with one or even three of them in there then Maingear has got you covered with their Shift computer. The single fastest GPU in…