Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of A AULIFE 10X2mm Neodymium Magnets

  Magnets, yes more magnets for review, these though are tiny and I’m categorizing these under the regular Toys and Collectibles but also under 3D Printing Related because that’s why I got these for review, they’re perfect for 3D printing…

The Top 4 Money-Saving Apps For iOS

The internet has grown so much over the years that the global community has grown dependent on it for everything. The convenience that it has come with makes everything easier for both the buyers and sellers of services and commodities.…

Peculiarities of Chatroulette

Chatroulette is quite a specific type of dating. It is the latest trend in romantic chatting online. It became very popular since its launch in 2013. Chatroulette as a tool differs greatly from regular online dating. It is based on…

How to Improve your Writing Skills at College

Is it possible to improve your writing skills without visiting special courses and spending hundreds of dollars? Improving your English level when it comes to writing is not an easy thing even for native speakers. However, writing is not always…