The last decade or so has brought about the greatest and most numerous developments in roulette in its storied history. Beginning with the advent of the internet, the popular game made its debut in online casinos during the 2000s, a…
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New Games You Can Play On Your Mobile
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Gaming is not just limited to consoles and PCs, but this has been extended way beyond. You can now even find your favorite online slots at Magical Vegas – the popular online casino on your mobile device. New exciting slots…
Roulette: From Wooden Wheel to Virtual Game
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Features of Reliable Casino Platform, and Poker Software in Particular
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Will Intertain be Able to Pull in Punters for a Game of Online Bingo?
by Kristofer Brozio •
Bingo in Britain has come a long way from its origins in Italy in the 14th century or the 17th century French salons where aristocrats played Le Lotto, an older form of present-day bingo. Today, working-class individuals play bingo in…
How Samsung is Addressing the Note7 Recall
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7 Sultans Online Casino App Finally Available at ITunes
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Turnkey Automotive Ecommerce Websites
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Is Your Business Struggling Without a CRM?
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One of the worst mistakes you can make in business is failing to recognize the factors that are holding back your growth. You may be under the impression that things are going fine and choose to continue with business as…
5 Kinds of Body Language That Could Turn Off Potential Clients During Video Conferences
by Kristofer Brozio •
You have to be aware of what you are saying at all times if you are in the business world. However, you also need to know that it’s not just about what you are actually saying with your mouth and…
A Guide to the Most Common IT Positions of 2016
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How Analog Design Is Different Than Digital
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4 Mobile Deposit Myths That You Need to Ignore Today!
by Kristofer Brozio •
There are some people who have been depositing funds into their casino accounts through their phone bills. They find it to be rather secure and convenient. On the other hand, there are people who are completely anti-mobile depositors. They have…