I like projectors, for whatever reason I think they’re interesting and just fun, they let you project where ever you might be and onto virtually any surface, it’s like a portable movie theater really. Up for review today I…
Up for review today I’ve got a mini projector from a company called Tenker, it’s the Q5 and it’s an LCD projector that’s rated at 1500 LUX and has connections for A/V, HDMI, microSD, VGA and USB so it has…
Last year I took a look at the Epson MovieMate 60 projector, today I’ve got another one from Epson which is similar called the PowerLite Presenter. It’s a consumer/business class projector which features a built-in DVD player and inputs for…
Being a reviewer I get a lot of stuff, and the majority of it isn’t of much interest to my family really, but every once in a while I get something that every one in my house loves and that’s…
Projectors are something that most people don’t really think about when they think of their audio and needs. One of the main reasons is that they can get expensive, not just the projector but you’ll need a good screen…