Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of Zippit Anti Tangle Earphones

Don’t you hate it when your headphones or earphones get all tangled together? I know I hate it with a passion and many companies have come out with anti tangle style cords but nothing comes close to what I have…

Windows 8.1 Launching Today and Tomorrow

Yeah.. so according to the official Microsoft PR I’d got here, Windows 8.1 is launching today and tomorrow. Yeah, makes no sense to me either. How it works is that today, October 17th you can download Windows 8.1 and then…

VIZIO Launches Co Star LT Stream Player

Vizio makes some great stuff, as lot of people shy away because it’s not really expensive. People think quality has to cost a lot of money, but it really doesn’t especially when it comes to products from Vizio. I’ve got…

Compro Launches TN600W Cloud Camera

It’s a shame we live in society where everything has to be monitored isn’t it? I mean really, we can’t trust anyone to do what they’re supposed to do and not do bad things, we need cameras everywhere. Cameras aren’t…

Ematic Intros EM63 Android Tablet

So, another inexpensive Android tablet has hit the market from Ematic and it’s colorful, you can get it in pink, blue, purple, red or black and it’s only priced at $89.99. The EM63 is seven inches in size and it…

Swann Intros Bubble Bomber RC Helicopter

Toys, I love toys, especially remote control helicopters and Swann has just announced the Bubble Bomber which is an RC heli but this one drops bubbles while flying! The Bubble Bomber is priced at $59.99 and you can pick on…