Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Thermaltake at CeBIT 2013

So I’ve got a rather large announcement for you from Thermaltake, it’s basically everything that they introduced at CeBIT this year including the debut of their new Level 10 M Headset. Some of it I arleazdy posted about so I…

Roku 3 Available Now

I’ve always wanted to play with a Roku device, I’ve heard nothing but good things about all of them. Now Roku has just announced the Roku 3 which is their most powerful player to date and it has a cool…

SimCity Out Now and on Origin

Well.. the new SimCity is out and from the reviews it’s awesome but the actual people who bought it aren’t happy at all. If you look on Amazon there’s about 200 one star reviews and it’s climbing as people just…

Company of Heroes 2 Coming June 25th

It’s a games kind of day, I’ve got a few gaming related announcements for you coming up. I already posted about the Humble Bundle and now I’ve got the official announcement about Company of Heroes 2 with its release date…

Humble Bundle 5 Out Now!

There’s a new Humble Bundle out now which features both PC and Android games. Right now the bundle is Dungeon Defender with all the DLC, Super Hexagon, Beat Hazard Ultra, Dynamite Jack, Solar 2, and NightSky HD. The first two…