Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Pillow Pets for DS Available Now

My kids love the Pillow Pets, they’ve got plenty of them so I think I’ve got to trade in some of my old DS games and get this for them.  Anyway, the game is out now for only $19.99, and…

T-Mobile Gets the Samsung Exhibit II 4G

Looks like T-Mobile is getting an inexpensive Android phone from Samsung called the Exhibit II 4G. Obviously the  4G there means the speed, but the phones also features a 1Ghz Snapdragon CPU, a 3.7” WVGA screen. It’s all running on…

Review of Cadence 4-Bit Binary Watch

A watch, I don’t think I’ve ever reviewed one, but I have one for review today from a company called Cadence. This watch isn’t just your normal kind though, it’s a sneaky, geeky one. Yes I said sneaky, geeky there.…

Hulu Plus Coming to Nintendo 3DS

Some more 3DS news for you, there’s an update coming at the end of November that will bring 3D video capture and new puzzles to Street Pass along with some other things not mentioned just yet. Hulu Plus will be…


Apparently Google is exploring the possibility of buying Yahoo. Well sort of, according to Yahoo news they might be helping to finance a deal by some others to buy Yahoo. it would certainly make life interesting if Google bought Yahoo…

Free iOS App: Pulverizer

So here’s the other free iOS app I was telling you about.  It is free but it’s very limited. It’s called Pulverizer and it allows you to pulverize pictures of anything you want to. It has many weapons but only…

Free iOS Game: Zombie Life

Look at that, another free game for you iOS folks. Actually I have another one after this as well!  This one is called Zombie Life and I’m going to have to get this one as it sounds rather interesting. In…