Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Kingston 16GB microSDHC Card

Our mobile phones have become much more than just for making calls, I know mine also doubles as a media player, GPS device, and portable office among it’s many other uses. With all of these uses we need more storage,…

PNY 32GB Attaché USB 2.0 Flash Drive

Yesterday I looked at the PNY 16GB Attaché USB 2.0 Flash Drive, so today I figured I would check out the 32gb version. Not much of an introduction is needed here as it’s basically the same drive, but I’ve run…

PNY 16GB Attaché USB 2.0 Flash Drive

USB drives are and have always been one of my favorite tech gadgets, they’re just extremely useful. It seems they are advancing at an exponential rate, only a couple years ago we were excited about 64MB USB drives, now we…

Thecus N3200PRO

  We all need more storage space, but with most computers there is only so many hard drives you can install, of course you could get an add-in card to enable more drive headers, but that can be a pain.…

Epson Artisan 800 All-in-One Printer

  Printers are something that many of us take for granted, most people just settle for whatever is on sale and they really don’t look before buying them, they just figure as long as it prints they’ll be happy. That’s…


  The mouse we all use is something that most likely will never be replaced, sure it will be re-designed and improved, but it will stay the same for the most part. A mouse is a great tool that let’s…

NZXT Avatar v2 Gaming Mouse

  So back in September I looked at the NZXT Avatar Gaming Mouse and I found it to be a great choice for gaming or just everyday use, in fact I still use it everyday, it has become my favorite…

Latosta Portable Laptop Stand

  If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been around for a bit, Tom did a good job filling in for me though. The reason I was MIA is that my Mother died last Monday and it was a bit rough…

The ‘I Need A New Phone’ Contest

  Hello, Hello! EDIT!!! Contest is now closed, Winners will be announced/contacted tomorrow March 17th.!!! We at technogog have all kinds of fun testing assorted gadgets, and hardware, but we especially like phones, everybody has one and they can relate.…

Pantech Matrix Unboxing

Today I’ve got a quick unboxing video for you, a while back I reviewed the Pantech Matrix and I unboxed it in that review, but today is a special unboxing video and informational post about the Matrix. Tomorrow we’ll be…