
Assorted Articles and Other Things

The Android Achilles Heel

The Android Operating system is quickly becoming a very popular platform of choice for smartphones… with literally millions flocking to devices built upon it. In fact, research firm Gartner has predicted that 75 million Android phones will be sold in…

10 Linux Alternatives to Songbird

As we’ve mentioned earlier, Songbird has left the Linux flock and gone on to perceived greener open source pastures. But what are the Linux faithful to use to replace this one time music player gem that was heralded as the…

WeTab – The Linux iPad Alternative

At this point practically everyone has heard of the iPad, and its “magical” effect on sales. But there’s another slick tablet that you may not have heard of that’s making waves, and it has a similar name. That tablet is…

Hollywood Is Now In Total Control

This is bad… very bad for us. I don’t see how this can be a good thing at all for the average consumer. The FCC has granted Hollywood and it’s cronies the MPAA full control over what you can watch…

A Linux Baker’s Dozen

Linux is probably best known as a server operating system, and for a good reason – according to at least one source, 60% of the servers on the web are running a Linux OS (source). But Linux on a desktop…

20 Open Source Programs To Maximize Your Windows Experience

The words “Open Source” and “Linux” go together like “Microsoft Office” and “Windows” – some things just naturally flow. However, open source programs on a Windows operating system is not as commonly thought of, even though it is more popular…

Writers Wanted!

Do you have a love for all things tech? Do you have a Geeky side that you want to the world to know about? Do you want to write about tech related things? We’re looking for a couple part time…

Which iPad Accessories Do You Need? (Flowchart)

With the iPad being delivered this Saturday, April 3, many people are anxiously awaiting Apples newest and brightest.  After you receive your iPad I am certain, you’ll need at least an accessory or two.  From the iPad Keyboard Dock to…

Rad Blaster – Not Rad At All

I love reading bad reviews, especially when the products are hyped up so much that people believe it and think it’s going to be this great product. Gizmodo mentioned the Rad Blaster and seemed to like it, but Larry over…

HTC HD2 Unboxing

Doug Smith over at MobilityDigest got his hands on the T-Mobile HTC HD2. So here’s the video for you to check out. According to his comments, the phone is very popular and is pretty much sold out everywhere in stores…