
Assorted Articles and Other Things

Windows 7 Was My Idea

One of the greatest things on television are advertisements by computer companies. Okay – maybe that’s a stretch – but the ad battle between computer companies over the last several years is pretty entertaining and competitive. From ridiculous comedy to…

10 Gifts For The Filthy Rich

Do you have money to burn? No? Me either. But if you are among the “rich” and “famous” (or not so famous) you may be looking for that special luxurious gift for family and friends for Christmas. Or maybe you’re looking for a gift for that special filthy rich person in your life?

Black Friday Shopping Guide: The Best of The Best

On November 27, 2009, people will be flocking to the stores looking for the best deals this Black Friday… hoping to find just the right gifts for family and friends this Christmas. This holiday season we are helping you take the guess work out of your post Thanksgiving Day shopping… If you’re like me, you do a lot of research before making a major purchase (well, in today’s economy – any purchase). I like to find reviews on products I’m interested in and price comparisons – where can I find the best deals.

Fitness Gadgets: The Good, The Bad and The Wacky

We all hear about the fitness gadgets that promise to give you six-pack abs and help you to drop 30 pounds in 30 days. These miracle exercise and weight loss gadgets are often times gimmicky… here are some of the good, the bad and the downright wacky fitness gadgets.

How Stuff Works: GPS Receivers

GPS is amazing technology. It’s also amazingly creepy technology. It’s a weird thing, having a satellite somewhere in space following your every move, allowing you to pinpoint your exact position on the globe within a few feet. It’s strange being…

An Unofficial History of The Unboxing

Gadget pron, gadget porn, unboxing, unpacking, uncrate, it’s been called many things, but it’s The Unboxing. Why is it that we love to unbox our gadgets, what is it that excites us so much about unboxing a new gadget or…

How Stuff Works: A Computer CPU

You’ve got a brain, right? Sure you do! And so does your computer. But instead of a soft, squishy blob of neurons and axons and synapses, your computer has a small square chip about the size of a Triscuit cracker…

10 Internet Memes That Can Still Make You Laugh

Do you still laugh at Keyboard Cat, Kanye’s Interruption and Chuck Norris facts? You’re not alone… the reason memes become popular to begin with is they’re humorous and addictive. These 10 memes can still tickle the funny bone.

Upgrading to Windows 7

If you’ve paid any attention to what’s going on in a couple days then you’ll know that the new operating system from Microsoft is set to launch, October 22nd to be more specific. It’s called Windows 7, while I’m not…

How Stuff Works: LCD TVs

Half the people I encounter don’t know what LCD stands for, and even less really know what’s going on inside that rectangle they spend hours peering at every day. With the rise of HDTV, Blu-Ray, hi-def gaming and the digital…

How Stuff Works: Computer Graphics Cards

You know the words you’re reading right now? You’re seeing them thanks to your computer’s graphics card. The game you just played? Yeah, that was the graphics card too, big guy. Without your computer’s graphics card, your monitor is as…