
Assorted Articles and Other Things

Vista SP1 vs SP2

So… Service Pack 2 arrived with not a lot of celebration, not much has been really mentioned about it at all anywhere. Being who I am though I like to know things, so I decided to run a whole bunch…

50 Ways Skype Can Connect You with the World

With every technological innovation, the world has another opportunity to become more close-knit. With Skype, this opportunity is more apparent than any invention since the telephone. The latest edition, Skype 4, recently became available with new features. It’s uses are…

10 Hottest Male Gaming Characters

Some people claim that gaming is just for men, but one look at the majority of game characters will have you think otherwise. Either the game designers were going through a sort of catharsis when designing the men of their…

Pepcom’s EcoFocus Media Event

Going “Green” is not just a public relation’s slogan anymore; it is a societal movement and lifestyle choice. There are numerous reasons to take become environmental conscious. Being green helps the environment, will provide a better world for our children…