Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Microsoft Intros Windows Phone 8

Yes I’m still here. I’ve been sick for the last couple days, not sure, a little flu or something just not doing much but sleeping as much as I can. Anyway, better late than never, I’ve got the official Windows…

Corsair Launches Gaming Mouse Mats

More Corsair news to start your Friday off with. Corsair has just announced a new range of gaming mouse mats or pads in several different sizes. Mouse pads might not seem exciting, but can be as a good mouse pad…

Windows 8 Available at 12:01am Friday

Yeah I was going to post this earlier, but I figured why as I’ve got time! According the PR Windows 8 will be available to download at 12:01am local time, which means wherever you are I would assume so that’s…