Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Review of Desk Dock for HTC TITAN

Our cellphones have become much more than something just to talk to people with, they’ve become a source of information and entertainment. Having your phone on your desk is nice, but having it visible in a dock say is even…

Review of Griffin Woogie 2

I got a Woogie! Do you? You should have one if you’ve got small children, they’re just the greatest! Seriously though today for review I’ve got the Woogie 2 from Griffin. What’s a Woogie you might ask, well the best…

Samsung Rugby Smart Coming to AT&T March 4th

Here’s something very interesting to me, a rugged smartphone with fairly decent specs. The old Samsung Rugby series of phones were rather plain and more of basic phones, but now they’re truly upgraded to an actual smartphone that can withstand…