Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Free Android App: Say Cheese!

Do you take a lot of pictures and share them with your friends and family? Then you might like this new app called Say Cheese. It’s meant to be a social camera for users of Facebook and Google+ as it…

It’s National Piano Month

You might be wondering what pianos have to do with tech right about now right? Well it’s national piano month as you can see from the headline up there and a company called Korg has come up with a microPiano…

Free App: Crime Story for Android

Let’s start this lovely and chilly Sunday morning off with a free game for you Android owners out there! The game is called Crime Story and it’s an empire building sim type game, essentially you’re in the mafia or a…

NZXT Unveils Tempest 210 Chassis

Another case announced today, this one from our friends at NZXT. The Tempest 210 chassis is an inexpensive case coming in at only $54.99, but even for that price it’s got some nice features and great looks. The case features…

Raidmax Introduces the Viper PC Case

They’re calling it the awesome Viper case, only time and reviews will tell that of course. The Viper does look rather cool and has features like tool-free installation, cable management and even USB 3.0 ports. It comes with nine drive…

Onmaway Comes to iTunes

A few app announcements today it seems, this latest is called Onmaway meaning ‘On My Way’. it’s an app for those of you that like texting while driving. You don’t do that do you? You know it’s illegal in some…