Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

BlackBerry Bold 9650 Smartphone Coming to Sprint

Yes, the BlackBerry Bold is coming to Sprint for $199.99 after $100 Mail-in-rebate. With an extensive array of high-end communications and multimedia features, compact and highly refined design and international roaming capabilities, the new BlackBerry® Bold™ 9650 smartphone will be…

Review of HTC Incredible

Today for review I’ve got what has to be the best phone on the market today in terms of both quality, usability and price really. The HTC Incredible from Verizon Wireless was just announced and will be available on the…

PENTAX K-x Colors Coming to America

To me a camera should be black in color, I don’t know why I think that but that’s just my thinking on the subject. Anyway, Pentax has just announced that you can get their K-X line of camera in either…

MiLi Releases Power Skin and PocketPal

  The Power Skin is for the iPhone and claims to be the world’s thinnest external battery/case for the iPhone. The PocketPal claims to be the world’s smallest foldable USB charger. Power Skin fits like a second skin to your…

Another Reason to Buy an iPhone!

Now this is interesting, this company Phone 4u says they did a study and found that women prefer men with an iPhone?!  So wanna get lucky? Get an iPhone…  If there was ever a reason to get more men to…