Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

Pandigital Photolink One-Touch Scanner

Before we had digital cameras everything was done with film, which means most of us have all kinds of photographs floating around. They’re nice but the problem is that with time they will fade and of course they’re fairly fragile…

Madagascar 2 Escape 2 Africa PS2

Videogames are the hot product this year, and well for the most part they really are every year. Each year, right before Christmas a bunch of new games are released in hopes of getting our money, but they all can’t…

RiDATA EZ Yego USB 1gb Flash Drive / USB Hub

USB Drives are great little gadgets that make life so much easier for transporting our data around with us. They’ve gotten miniscule in size so that they are very portable, and even come in different shapes, themes, sizes and colors.…

ATP EarthDrive 8gb USB Flash Drive

Everyone seems to be going green, and finally, in the last couple years the electronics industry is catching up and following everyone else. These days people specifically buy things that are labeled ‘green’, and a good company or marketer knows…

Pantech C630 Unboxing

Pantech announced their new phone today, the C630, so I figured I would toss up the unboxing video for you. In about a week the review will be up as well… HERE, there you’ll also find all kinds of news…

ATI Catalyst 8.12 Performance Analysis

  So last week ATI was kind enough to send me over their new Catalyst Drivers, version 8.12, for testing, not only does it include several improvements but also the new AVIVO Video Converter Program that utilizes the ATI Graphics…