Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

The Best React Component Libraries

Over the past year, it’s estimated that the popularity of React (a JavaScript library for building user interfaces) grew by about 150 percent, partly because of its rapidly growing, component-based ecosystem. Another major factor is the increased presence of high-traffic…

A Quick Guide to Using Bitcoin for Fun Stuff

Internet gambling is immensely popular today and pretty much anyone has a pretty good idea about its benefits and shortcomings. While there are few things that can still surprise prospective players, Bitcoin gambling is still uncharted territory for many gamblers.…

How to Increase Instagram Followers

If you have a couple of hundred followers on your Instagram account then you can’t leverage this platform. It is pretty depressing too to have a few followers on your profile. How to increase Instagram followers? You need to have…

What Matters When Designing Apps

Now is as good a time as any to get into the mobile app business. Research shows that when people use their smartphones, they spend about 85 percent of that time using apps. But they’re not using 30 or 40…

Mobile Gaming Is Dominating In Sales

The mobile telecom industry has seen a sharp rise in recent years around the world. The development of infrastructure and transport connectivity which has indirectly resulted in the rise in the standard of living are a few reasons for this…

Advantages of Online Gambling for Real Money

Online gambling is one of the largest online gaming industries today and it’s gaining in popularity year after year. It’s no wonder since there are a lot of benefits and advantages of online gambling for real money compared to traditional…

Can You Trust Online Reviews?

What is the first thing you do before you purchase a product/service online? Let me guess; you always start by looking at what other customers have to say about the product, right? That is actually what is advised before you…

Should you Trust Online Product Reviews?

Before review platforms became a thing, dissatisfied online buyers had no one to complain to. They couldn’t reach out to retailers’ support staff because they were unavailable. Social media wasn’t big yet and mainstream media was cautious about covering online…

The Future of Voice Applications

If you’ve turned on a television lately, chances are you’ve seen your fair share of Amazon Echo advertisements. The retail giant’s AI, Alexa, is rapidly becoming a staple in many households. Its convenient voice software makes it easy to make…