A criminal record will pose all sorts of problems for a person that is trying to get a job or cross into the United States. Having a record confirming that you have previously engaged in illegal activities and have served…
The Google Play Store has been lacking in certain types of gaming apps such as real playing gambling titles. In an effort to full this need niche, a new app store called Cherry Rush has been released. This new store…
The game of slots is a favorite casino game for both land-based and online gambling casinos. Slot machines are truly a darling of many if the numbers of online players partaking in such games are anything to go by. However,…
We can all agree that aside from earning some cash, there is a certain thrill that comes with betting on sports online. This has made sports betting among the most favorite pastime activities for most people across the globe. It…
The latest artificial intelligence (AI) computer program created by Microsoft has achieved something that no human has yet been able to – defeat Ms. Pacman.
Since its inception in 2009, bitcoin has quickly made a name for itself as a genuine currency which could one day be the sole method of making payments online and beyond. Each year since 2014, the e-currency has enjoyed a…
With over 25 millions of copies sold to date, Valve Corporation’s Counter-Strike has earned its reputation of being one of the most successful tactical first-person shooter (FPS) franchises in the world. Perhaps what helped the game draw more than 10…
I’ve got a quick review for you today of a very small product, it’s a voice recorder and an MP3 player from a company called Uqique. The recorder is tiny, and has 8gb of storage but it can hold up…
So today for I’ve got a Bluetooth speaker from AncordWorks but this speaker is rugged and waterproof and it’s also an MP3 player via the micro SD slot, an auxiliary audio speaker, clock and it’s an alarm clock. The speaker…
LED lighting is the future I think, I’ve moved about 99% of all my lights over to LEDs, just some smaller nightlights need replaced yet, but all of my main lighting is now LED based and I’m very happy with…
I love gadgets, buying them and getting them for review is fun really. Up for review today I’ve got a night light of sorts from a company called Weirdbeast and this light is what they call an ocean wave projector…
I get products for review and lots of times they’re not what you expect, they’re just not as good as the hype or advertising says but the one I have for today does everything it says it will. I’ve always…
Have you heard about Bitcoin recently? The market and the world is wide awake with cryptocurrency curiosity. Before you rush out and become part of the recent Bitcoin mania that has driven its price to record highs, you might want…