
Assorted Articles and Other Things

Mobile Internet Safety For Kids

Many responsible parents try to make sure that their children access the web in a safe manner, away from the threats of online predators. But how about that smart phone, tablet, or even the popular iPod Touch – are they…

How to survive the Gawkpocalypse

If you are a reader of the Gawker blogs such as Gizmodo, Kotaku, io9, etc like myself, then today you were greeted by their media wide site redesign.  To say that it is awful does not do it justice.  The…

The Daily Should Not Forget The App

The Daily, the much-anticipated daily magazine designed specifically for the iPad (and soon other tablets) has launched, and the app based publication has been met with general good praise. The writing and photography is strong for the most part, and…

Why Doesn’t Your Office Have A Recycling Bin?

Offices across the globe are one of the major contributors to waste that could otherwise have been recycled. Paper products, inherent to the operation of a typical office, can easily be put aside for recycling once their usefulness is over.…

Think Before You Buy 4G

If there is any single truth about modern life, it is the fact that our smart devices just keep getting more powerful. As the devices get more powerful, they develop a hunger for more bandwidth and bigger chunks of data.…

Is the Verizon iPhone Too Little, Too Late?

Recently Verizon announced that they will soon start selling a version of the iPhone 4 that is designed to run on their CDMA network. Previously, if you wanted an iPhone, you had to do business with AT&T, the exclusive carrier…

Cutting The Home Phone Cord Is Not Always Easy

Cellphones – today almost everyone has one. Not only are there cellphones, but there’s also smartphones – smarter than just a mere phone, and getting even smarter… is only an app away. And the phones are getting smaller almost as…

Using VNC With Your iPad

When Apple released the iPad, it was met with strong sales and a receptive buying audience. Soon there were a large number of apps designed for the iPad on the App Store, and sales climbed to multiple millions. Almost anything…

The 5 Worst Tech Products of 2010

In many ways, 2010 was a great year for technology products. We saw the tablet finally find a strong market, and the Android operating system burst free from its humble start to take the mobile world by storm. But not…

Tech Gifting: The Hidden Cost Of The Return

During this holiday season, many of us will be buying cool tech gifts for those on our shopping lists. While no doubt we try to make sure that we get the perfect gift, there are nonetheless times that a misunderstanding…

Who Would Use The Google Chrome Operating System?

If you use the Internet, chances are you know about Google (if not, get out from under your rock!). From their search engine giant status to their release of their Android operating system for Smart Phones, Google has invested much…