
Assorted Articles and Other Things

New Apple Ads Aim to Justify Their Price Tags

Safety. Ease of use. Intuitive free software. Stability. These are the highlights of the four new Apple commercials starring the bickering married computer couple we’ve been enjoying since 2006; Mac and PC. In light of Microsoft’s recent “Laptop Hunters” campaign,…

Press Releases

Hey I just wanted to remind everyone that we do have a PR section on the site, there’s a link over there to the right under Blogroll that leads to it actually. We also post News from many other websites…

Kraze Screenshots

Found an email from Candella this morning in my inbox, they sent me over some information about their upcoming racing game called Kraze and a few screenshots as well… Kraze™ is a multi-genre racing game for the PC. Armed with…

20 Functions of Vista to Improve Your Life

Today we’ve got a new writer here at technogog, her name is Alyssa Choiniere and she’s got quite a bit of writing experience being published online and in print media. I’ve decided to bring a few more people on board…

ATI Catalyst 9.1 vs 9.2

With all the new games coming out, we need to keep our graphics drivers updated to insure a quality experience with them. The graphics companies are always updating and improving their drivers, but does it make a difference really? So…

Safari 4 Beta – First Look

In the beginning of the browser wars there were two titans – Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Eventually one fell by the wayside and morphed into Mozilla, which evolved into Firefox, and the other forced itself on the market being…

The ‘I Need A New Phone’ Contest

  Hello, Hello! EDIT!!! Contest is now closed, Winners will be announced/contacted tomorrow March 17th.!!! We at technogog have all kinds of fun testing assorted gadgets, and hardware, but we especially like phones, everybody has one and they can relate.…

Pantech Matrix Unboxing

Today I’ve got a quick unboxing video for you, a while back I reviewed the Pantech Matrix and I unboxed it in that review, but today is a special unboxing video and informational post about the Matrix. Tomorrow we’ll be…