The PS Vita is the newest handheld gaming system and with that, like anything else, comes accessories. Sure you could buy them from other companies but Sony had theirs ready at launch and on of them is what I have…
Now this looks like a fun game for me and my kids. In Saving Yello you have to help save Yello the goldfish from his 7 yr old owner who likes to take him out of his bowl to paly…
Now this is a game I want for my Android tablets, but apparently I’ll have to wait until ‘early next year’ which I’m guessing is 2013, and that’s a long time to wait. Anyway, you iOS users can get in…
Happy New Year and welcome to 2012. My first review for this year is a guitar-based iPad rhythm game called Wild Chords. While the rhythm game genre may have taken a downward trajectory with the shuttering of the Guitar Hero…
For $1.99 you can get Befuddled Together now! Personally I’ve never heard of Befuddled, but apparently it’s a very popular game on iOS and now they’ve just released a multiplayer version of it so you can get befuddled together with…
Here’s another free game for you iOS users out there called Sandbox. Yes it let’s you play in a virtual sandbox just like you would in a real one. You can build castles and play with trucks and just have…
It occurs to me it’s been a while since I’ve posted any free games here so here’s one that involves feeding zombies pizza. Yes you’re running a pizza parlor for zombies, certainly an interesting concept. Go grab it and see…
Can you believe it’s been 10 years since GTA III came out? Can you also believe that I’ve never played it? In fact I’ve never played any of the GTA series of games. I’ll be grabbing this one shortly though…
Here’s the future for you, and they’re starting early apparently. A 7yr old has designed a better racing game, at least it’s better in his and his brother’s opinion. The game is Tires of Fury and it’s on iOS, but…
Ok, how about another free game for you iOS users? This one is called Egg Punch and it’s a cute little game where protect your bird’s egg from scheming rabbits. The game is like a mini-golf game really where players…
Sega and Papaya have teamed up to bring Fallen Realms RPG to Android for free. Yep, another free game for you and this is one that I’m grabbing right now. Fallen Realms is an RPG as I’ve said but it…
Zombies are everywhere it seems aren’t they? I think it would make life very interesting if a zombie outbreak actually happened, society would fall and it would anarchy in the streets. Yeah interesting is a word for it. Anyway, until…
So it’s looks as though the Skyrim PS3 patch it out, sadly it’s only out in Europe right now. I just checked and nothing there. I like Skyrim, I like it a lot but it’s unplayable with the lag. There…