The mouse is an ever evolving product, the main idea behind it is the same, but companies are coming out with products to replace it, or at least make your life a bit easier. These products are more specialized and…
Today for review I’ve got Bubble Bobble Neo, it’s available from Taito via XboxLive and it truly brings back a lot of memories. This game was one of my favorites actually, I can remember playing for hours with friends and this version keeps to the original but adds a bit more to it. Updated graphics of course, along with 4 player co-op play and competitive play as well. So read one to learn more about an old favorite come back to life…
So today we have Drawn To Life The Next Chapter from THQ and I have to say that I never played the first Drawn To Life game so there’s not going to be any comparisons made in regards to the first game, but I can tell you that I had a lot of fun playing this game and so did my kids. It’s a game that I think a lot of people will like, especially children, Drawn To Life is a game that truly allows you to get involved with the game and actually create the gaming world. The interface does take quite a bit to get accustomed to, drawing with the Wii remote can be hard, but in the end it’s a lot of fun.
The Asus EeePC 900a is a great little netbook with one big flaw, it comes with a tiny little 4gb SSD drive that is very slow. Actually there’s two flaws, the second would be how Asus handled the updates of the operating system, they’re automatic and they fill that tiny SSD to the point where the system slows to a crawl. The OS that is on the SSD is ok for just messing around, but let’s face it, most everything is Windows and to be any kind of productive with the EeePC you’ll need to install Windows on it. This isn’t a Linux vs Windows or even vs Mac rant, so I don’t want to hear about it, this is a review of the Runcore 64gb SSD for the EeePC 900a that will turn that little netbook into not only a speed demon, but something that can be a more productive machine.
Today for review I’ve got the Vantec NexStar Universal Storage Adapter, it’s a long name but it can do quite a bit. This product will allow you to access both SATA and IDE 2.5” and 3.5” drives along with 5.25” SATA and IDE Optical drives and even 66 types of memory cards, so it does live up to it’s name or being a universal adapter.