Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

AT&T Announces New Data Plans

It looks like AT&T has come up with new pricing for their data plans, but it looks like it’s the same as Verizon now, at least that’s what I’ve heard. Anyway, I’m still grandfathered in with my unlimited data so…

SOPA / PIPA Strike Today

I’m sure by now you’ve noticed plenty of sites have gone dark. All of my personally owned sites have, from 8am until 8pm EST as I don’t think these bills or laws are in the best interest of the internet…

Review of NewerTech NuTouch Gloves

Brr, it’s cold outside! At least here it is, right now it’s 18 degrees in Fahrenheit anyway. To me that’s cold and I don’t like the cold. One of the must have things about cold weather is gloves, but pretty…