The PlayStation Vita is a great device for portable gaming but it’s not perfect by any means. I got mine at launch and in that time I’ve used it quite a bit and I’ve noticed many things both good and…
When it comes to instant video watching online you’ve really got two big choices, Amazon or Netflix. Yes there are other options but these two are the big ones really, the others are just there trying to compete and play…
Let me set the stage. The year is 2011. The tablet wars are just now heating up, with Apple being the conqueror to date, and every target manufacturer has the iPad – or rather the iPad 2 – in sight,…
Does anyone remember the transistor radio? You know, the rectangular one with the manual and slightly inaccurate dial at the top, and the remainder of the device dedicated to the speaker grill? If you follow the basic concepts of engineering,…
As a continuation to an earlier article on the coolest female nerd characters on TV, I couldn’t leave out the guys. As I stated in the previous article, being a “nerd” is a hip and happening (although, I don’t think…
There’s no better time to be a nerd. It is the “in” thing to be. There isn’t anything sexier than “smart”, right? And one of the first things that pops into your mind when you hear the words “nerd” or…
Windows 7 is the best Windows yet, at least that’s my opinion of it. Think what you like, you’re entitled to your own opinion of course. I’m not going to get into an arguing match with you about Win 7…
For those 5 people out there that have never used Facebook, it’s a social network service where users can create a profile with photos, contact information, personal interests and just about any personal information you can think of, really. And…
Many responsible parents try to make sure that their children access the web in a safe manner, away from the threats of online predators. But how about that smart phone, tablet, or even the popular iPod Touch – are they…
If you are a reader of the Gawker blogs such as Gizmodo, Kotaku, io9, etc like myself, then today you were greeted by their media wide site redesign. To say that it is awful does not do it justice. The…
The Daily, the much-anticipated daily magazine designed specifically for the iPad (and soon other tablets) has launched, and the app based publication has been met with general good praise. The writing and photography is strong for the most part, and…
Offices across the globe are one of the major contributors to waste that could otherwise have been recycled. Paper products, inherent to the operation of a typical office, can easily be put aside for recycling once their usefulness is over.…
If there is any single truth about modern life, it is the fact that our smart devices just keep getting more powerful. As the devices get more powerful, they develop a hunger for more bandwidth and bigger chunks of data.…