
Assorted Articles and Other Things

Best of 2009: Xbox360 Games

We’re back with another Best of 2009 list, this time it’s Xbox360 games. I’m sure by now a lot of you are getting tired of the top ten lists of games, so I decided to go with the top eleven…

Best of 2009: Netbooks

The second in our ‘Best of 2009’ series is all about what seems to be everyone’s favorite product, Netbooks. We’ve got the top ten best of 2009 Netbooks as based on a combination of user and expert reviews from around…

Best of 2009: Playstation 3 Games

It’s Christmas day, we at technogog hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday. It’s the end of the year again folks, in case you hadn’t noticed. That white stuff out on the grass – that’s called…

Year In Review: Best And Worst Of The Tech World 2009

2009, what a year it was. To say that it was a roller coaster applies not only to the financial world, but to the tech world as well. We had some great hits, and some equally great misses. Without getting too terribly technical, let’s take a look at some of our favorite hits and misses in the tech world for 2009.

Make Your Holidays Easier – With Google Docs and Gmail

The Holidays, while bringing a lot of joy and happiness to people, can also bring with it a lot of stress. Between the gift buying, the get togethers, the dinners, the visits, the trips, and more it can become hectic. But with modern information tools you can find help in getting all the tasks behind you to ensure a pleasant holiday experience.

2009 Holiday Buying Guide: Top 10 Gadgets

Have someone on your holiday list who loves a good quality gadget? Of course you do – how could you not? Whether you need some brand spankin’ new gadgets for your hubby or your son (or you’re trying to catch…

2009 Holiday Buying Guide: Top 10 Console Games

These days, chances are there is at least one person on your Christmas shopping list who is a console gamer. With the gamer demographic becoming more expanded, you could just as well be needing a Christmas present for your five…

Tips: Tech Gifts To Avoid Giving This Holiday Season

Ah, the Holidays are here, and with it comes the Spirit of Giving. While you are going through your list, finding the perfect gift for those you love (and otherwise), it might be good to note that some tech gifts are better served by not giving.

7 Cyber Monday Websites: Offering Great Bargains, Coupons and More

If you missed out, or simply avoided, Black Friday… Cyber Monday is the day for you. While Black Friday is the busiest brick and mortar shopping day of the year – Cyber Monday boasts the busiest online shopping day of the year. Here’s 7 websites to help you find the best Cyber Monday deals.

You Can Become A Gmail Power User

Gmail is everywhere. From innocent mail users getting a note from granny, to power users that are forging a path across the internet wastelands, Gmail is a formidable tool in every web jockey’s arsenal. But to really use this versatile set of tools to their best advantage, a little knowledge can turn the chevy into a Ferrari powerhouse.