
Humble Bundle 5 Out Now!

There’s a new Humble Bundle out now which features both PC and Android games. Right now the bundle is Dungeon Defender with all the DLC, Super Hexagon, Beat Hazard Ultra, Dynamite Jack, Solar 2, and NightSky HD. The first two…

No Second hand Games for Next Xbox!

Wow, this sucks, I guess I know I’ll be getting the new PlayStation and not the new Xbox. Edge online is reporting that the next Xbox will require an always on internet connection and it will use Blu-ray discs which…

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

So, I’ve got a bunch of deals for you, all collected in one place, yes it’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and all the in-between as well. So yes it’s a long post, I figured I’d do it this…

SOPA / PIPA Strike Today

I’m sure by now you’ve noticed plenty of sites have gone dark. All of my personally owned sites have, from 8am until 8pm EST as I don’t think these bills or laws are in the best interest of the internet…