I like motion sensor lights, we’ve got several of them ion our house to light up the way, they’re very handy. Today for review I’ve got the Lenova auto motion sensor LED night light and what’s special about this light…
Scales are very useful but they need to be accurate. Today for review I’ve got the Smart Weigh shipping and postal scale and it’s a very well made product that looks nice and it has numerous features but one large…
So I’ve saved the best for last, sort of, yes I’ve got another review of LED flameless candles from Comenzar but this is actually three of them that come in a set. You get three sizes at 7, 6 and…
Outdoors, camping hiking and all that, we’ve looked at several products but one we haven’t that is a must have and that’s a multi-tool. Multi-tools are great for when you’re outdoors as they’re just really useful, it’s almost like having…
Up for review today I’ve got a product that I’ve always wanted but just never got for myself as it’s not something I needed, so when I had the chance to review one I jumped on it of course. In…
If you have a computer chances are you’ve got a canned of compressed air nearby to keep things clean, I know I do, I’ve got a few of them but they’re not the best product on the market for sure.…
Let’s save money, at least I like to, and changing from incandescent to LEDs can save you money but it’s taken a while for them to actually be useful in my opinion. LED bulbs were very expensive and they took…
I’ve got a quick review of something useful, or actually a couple something’s and those something’s are storage bags for DVDs from a company called Mivi. There are two bags in the set and they each hold 40 DVDs and…
I get a lot of things for review as you probably noticed and I’ll be honest, most of it either goes in a box in the attic or I give it away to friends and family but a small percentage…
Lights, lights and more lights, yep I’ve got another one for review today and then another one tomorrow! Today for review I’ve got the OxyLed N05 which is a single LED tap light that can be used for like in…
If you are looking for one of the best home alarm systems to protect your home and your family, SimpliSafe can be your best solution. It’s easy to install and it won’t bind you on strict and expensive contracts. Moreover,…
When you work on computers or electronics you’ll find that most standard screwdrivers aren’t going to work so you need something smaller and more specialized like what I have for review today. JawayTool has sent over their six piece set…
Tools, I love getting tools for review and not just power tools and such but electronic tools like IR thermometers. Infrared thermometers can be very handy for computer work and for just around the house in general. Today for review…