I love USB thumb drives, I’ve got all sorts of them in varying shapes and sizes floating around my desk at all times. The ones I’ve got range in various sizes, shapes colors and capacities, I just think they’re one…
We all need more storage, in the form of a hard drive, personally I don’t like having them always running inside of my computer so I have several external enclosures for my storage, they’re used for backups mainly, so they…
Cellphones are everywhere, we’ve all got them, and we all use them to talk all the time, but depending where you are it can be illegal to talk and drive, so with the introduction of these laws the sale of…
Currently, the world is moving away from analog television and towards its digital counterpart, the picture quality of digital television is far superior to its analog equivalent. Recently, if you wanted to watch HDTV on your computer, you needed to…
Author: Tomas Ratas The Baja 1000 is a famous off road race that takes place in Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. Known for its treacherous terrain and grueling length, it is not for the feint of heart. THQ and 2XL has used…
DDR3 is here to stay, but it doesn’t seem to be making much headway into the market really, it’s been around for a while but yet not as many people have adopted it as they did with DDR2 when it…
Hard drive enclosures come in many shapes, sizes and styles and they’re all pretty much the same really, you put a hard drive in them and you’re ready to take your data with you wherever you go, but they don’t…
Last week I took a look at one of DXGs HD cameras, the DXG-595V and I found it to be a very good HD camera, especially if you consider it’s price point is around $200. Today I’ve got another DXG…
Online video has become extremely popular, everyone on from children to grandparents are getting in on the action, but let’s be honest, it’s not all the greatest stuff out there. Video editing can do wonders for a video, and adding…
With new games popping up all of the time, sometimes we need to upgrade our video cards, especially with the latest version of Crysis our now. Crysis fans will want to play Warhead with all the settings maxed to really…
Manufacturer: With the state of the world we live it today security related products have become very popular, they’re not just for the government or business people anymore. Average everyday citizens need a way to protect themselves, not only from…
Author: Tom Ratas The Nintendo Wii is the most popular next generation gaming console out on the market. It does not have the most powerful processor or the best graphics. What is does have is a unique controller interface using…
Manufacturer: Contrary to popular belief or rumors, PC gaming is alive and well, as long as there is a PC there will be gaming on it. There are new games being released all the time for the PC, some are…