Tag Archive for Product Reviews

Review of Apple iPhone 4

The good news is the iPhone 4 is finally here, the bad news for those in the United States is they are still stuck with AT&T. Preordering snafus, long lines and activation delays aside many people wanted to be the…

Review of Common Cents Mobile Kyocera S2300

Today I’ve got another phone for review the Kyocera S2300 from Common Cents Mobile that is a fairly new service provider but it’s actually a subsidiary of Sprint. Common Cents is a non-contract company, or pay-as-you-go basically, but what’s special…

Review of Sound ID 510 Bluetooth Headset

There are several new smartphones hitting the market with the recent release of the iPhone 4 and EVO 4G as well as the imminent arrival of the new Windows 7 based phones. These phones are feature rich and deserve a…

Review of OCZ Vertex 2 E 120GB SSD

Over the past year or so I’ve taken a look at a few Solid State Drives or SSDs as they’re called and I’ve been impressed with them, as I rightly should be. Today for review I’ve got another SSD drive…

Review of NAVIGON MobileNavigator for iPhone

As technology evolves GPS enabled devices are becoming more prevalent. They can be found in stand-alone units, built into vehicles and running off smartphones. The iPhone has been GPS enabled for quite some time and there are numerous GPS style…