Tag Archive for games

3 Tips to Playing Video Games for Money

Imagine having your fair share of fun playing video games and while at it, making some handsome bucks! Not so many people have that kind of a luxury. With full time jobs increasingly becoming so scarce to find, this is…

Best 3 Gaming Franchises of all Time

When you listen to a lot of music on the radio, you’ll find that certain bands or artists simply jump out at you and quickly become your favorites. Sometimes you don’t even know why, but whatever the reason, there is…

Video Games to Get Your Brain in Gear

Video games come in many forms. There are games that can help us to switch off, and there are games that help to kick our brain into gear with puzzles and strategic challenges that would give even Ph.D. professors a…

Exciting New Blackjack Games in Vegas

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. One of the reasons of its popularity is the fact that a player can beat the dealer by implementing the proper strategy. While different Blackjack variations typically share…