Up for review today I’ve got a monitor from our friends at Geeks.com, but it’s not just any monitor this is an IPS monitor! If you don’t know anything about monitors, then let me tell you that IPS is a…
As a continuation to an earlier article on the coolest female nerd characters on TV, I couldn’t leave out the guys. As I stated in the previous article, being a “nerd” is a hip and happening (although, I don’t think…
There’s no better time to be a nerd. It is the “in” thing to be. There isn’t anything sexier than “smart”, right? And one of the first things that pops into your mind when you hear the words “nerd” or…
We love green, and you can’t get much more green than the product I have for review today, it’s a messenger bag mode of 100% recycled materials, specifically plastic bottles. The product is called the GreenSmart Bottles to Bags Horizontal…
I’m sure a lot of you out there got a digital photo frame for Christmas, they’re one of the more popular gifts. I bet though that the one you got couldn’t also be used as a USB monitor, well that’s…
It’s about time I upgraded my Blu-Ray player I think, and Geeks.com has come through for me by sending a very nice Panasonic unit for review. My current Blu-Ray player is an older model from Sony with not many features…
Today for review I’ve got a product that has gotten a bad rap in the early reviews for it. I like getting products like these for review because I want to see for myself. The product I have is the…
There are some gadgets and products that I really like out there, and monitors, specifically LCDs have to be on the top of the list. I run three monitors for my setup, and now with what I have for review…
I’ve taken a look at a few printers here on technogog, but most of them have been more on the expensive side so I thought I’d take a look at one that’s very inexpensive. Geeks.com has sent me over the…
Netbooks are amazing things that have changed the way we look at laptops and our mobile world. They’ve become very popular, not only for their low cost but for their portability. The portability, and small size of a netbook comes…
We’ve checked out several products from Geeks.com here at technogog, they’ve got a wide selection of things to choose from and their prices are very reasonable. I’m not just saying this either to promote them, but I shop there myself…
There’s no doubt that GPS has become extremely popular, it seems everyone is using it. I have two GPS units myself, one in my phone and an older one for my laptop that connects via CF Card slot. The laptop…
MP3 players come in all shapes and sizes, and when you’re buying one you’ve got many great choices from several companies. Believe it or not MP3 players have been around for a long time, not just since Apple introduced the…