Author Archive for Kristofer Brozio

3D Printed Keep Out Sign

Here’s another sign I made for my side yard, I think this one says it all… Keep Out!  It’s dual color again, I liked the red and white contrast, the letters really stick out well and it’s noticeable.  

3d Printed Beware of Dog Sign

So my old store bought thin plastic beware of dog sign I had on my fence broke and ripped apart in the wind so I thought why not print one? I did it in dual color, started with yellow and…

Video Games to Get Your Brain in Gear

Video games come in many forms. There are games that can help us to switch off, and there are games that help to kick our brain into gear with puzzles and strategic challenges that would give even Ph.D. professors a…

Themes in Slot Machines

It’s no news anymore how well the gambling world has expanded over the virtual space, becoming a leading source of fun for the ones who love to spend their free time in this way. One of the reasons for this…