It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed any USB drives here on technogog so today I’ve got one that Patriot has sent over. The drive is the Xporter Rage 32gb version or XT as it’s called. The drive features a…
If you’re a gamer then you know the video card is probably the most important part of your system, without a decent one you won’t be able to play those games that you love so much. The problem with good…
There are many versions of the Droid out there now and Android phones but none are really aimed at business people, that is until Verizon and Motorola introduced the Droid Pro. It’s a world phone that comes with a sim…
As a reviewer I have tested several products from Speck; primarily iPhone and iPad accessories. Besides those products Speck also makes laptop bags; so for today’s review we will check out the CorePack Fly, which is advertised as a TSA…
Over the past few weeks I’ve taken a look at two Otterbox cases for the Samsung Galaxy S Captivate, the Impact Series and the Commuter Series and today I’ve got another one. The case is the Defender Series of cases…
Futuremark is well known for their benchmarks, and now they’re also known for their games too. The most popular of their software is the 3DMark series, and now the newest one is here. They were kind enough to send me…
Mophie has built its reputation on its external battery charging solutions for mobile Apple devices. Surprisingly they also make other Apple peripherals such as the mophie workbook for iPad. It is designed to protect the iPad while being functional at…
Hey look it’s another phone review! Today for review I’ve got the Samsung Galaxy S Continuum from Verizon Wireless. This phone is sleek and nicely made, it features dual screens, one is the main screen and the other is a…
Today for review I’ve got another inexpensive phone from Verizon, it’s an Android phone running version 2.1 and it’s from Motorola. The Citrus is meant to be basic and it is, it’s small and compact but yet it gets the…
Today for review I’ve got another phone from our friends at Verizon Wireless, it’s the LG Vortex running Android 2.2. The Vortex is small enough to fit right in your pocket comfortably and it offers all of the features you’ve…
I don’t quite understand how people can spend excessive amount of money on a phone and not protect it. I know people that just toss them in their pockets with keys or whatever are they’re phones end up ruined after…
It’s about time I upgraded my Blu-Ray player I think, and has come through for me by sending a very nice Panasonic unit for review. My current Blu-Ray player is an older model from Sony with not many features…
Not long ago I review the Augen Gentouch78 Android tablet and it wasn’t bad for what it was, but it had several flaws. Today for review I’ve got what has to be the best Android tablet on the market today,…