Free iOS App: Hungribles

So it looks like we’ve got the site moved. The new address is  but the old address redirects here so you don’t have to change any bookmarks! Let’s start the day off with two free apps for you, maybe…

Your Sensei is Here. Let the Games Begin.

SteelSeries is well known for their gaming products and they’ve just announced that their newest mouse the Sensei is now available for purchase.  This mouse has gotten rave reviews already form many sites across the internet, from what I’ve read…

Verizon and LG Enlighten us!

Yes it seems Verizon and LG want to Enlighten us with their new Android phones aptly names the Enlighten! I’m a bit surprised by the specs on this phone though, it’s only running an 800Mhz CPU?! Most phones out there…

Free Android App: Say Cheese!

Do you take a lot of pictures and share them with your friends and family? Then you might like this new app called Say Cheese. It’s meant to be a social camera for users of Facebook and Google+ as it…

It’s National Piano Month

You might be wondering what pianos have to do with tech right about now right? Well it’s national piano month as you can see from the headline up there and a company called Korg has come up with a microPiano…

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