Wicked Lasers Launches the Flashtorch

So it’s been a long time since I’ve reviewed any Wicked Lasers products here, the last being the From the makers of the world’s most refined lasers, comes the ultimate in flashlights. The Flashtorch features a 100W 4100 lumen bulb…

Review of Speck DuraFolio for iPad Air

Speck has been making accessories for iPhones and iPads since the inception of those devices. During this time we at technogog have had the opportunity to review many of their products. Today we will be looking at the DuraFolio for…

Interview with Grant Whipple of Winegard

Cutting the cord has become a popular phrase for people who are dropping standard pay cable TV and are getting their entertainment content other ways like streaming services or over the air TV. Personally we have Verizon Fios and we…

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