Why Do Tech Companies Need Courier Services?

The technology sector is one that has grown beyond all recognition in the past two decades. Innovation after innovation has changed billions of lives, all while adding billions of dollars to the accounts of Apple, Samsung, Microsoft and many more.…

3D Printed Overwatch Badge

My son likes Overwatch so I made him this badge…. Needs sanded a bit as I printed it fast with low resolution, but still not bad… Here’s the link if you want to print one: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1579331

3D Printed Black Cat for Halloween

I just had to print something for Halloween so I found this black cat. It’s supposed to be a fridge magnet but it doesn’t have to be… Here’s the link for you:  http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1796579

Exciting New Blackjack Games in Vegas

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino games in the world. One of the reasons of its popularity is the fact that a player can beat the dealer by implementing the proper strategy. While different Blackjack variations typically share…

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