Pogo Sketch

And now for something completely different….. Today we will look at something that is unique from other iPhone/iPod Touch accessory products – a stylus. Did he just say a stylus? Yes, a stylus that can be used with the iPhone…

EyeTV Hybrid

As the Digital Transition gets closer and closer (in fact it is supposed to start rolling out today – February 17, 2009), many Americans may be shut out of receiving over the air television reception. If you are fortunate to…

Iron Man: Aerial Assault for iPhone / iPod Touch

One of the biggest blockbusters of the 2008 movie season was Iron Man. In an attempt to capitalize on shell head’s newly found popularity, Paramount Digital Entertainment has released Iron Man: Aerial Assault for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This…

Hercules XPS 2.1 50 2.1 Speaker Kit

  If you’ve read any of my headphone reviews then you’ll know that I’m a fan of music that sounds good, I pride myself on having an ear for sound, what’s good and what’s not. I’ve always been sort of…

Element Liquid Case

  As a reviewer, every once in a while I get the opportunity to check out something unique. Today’s review may not seem exotic since it is an iPhone case but you will have to take my word, this is…

LoJack for Laptops

A quick search of the web brings up these shocking statistics: A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds, more than 12,000 laptops disappear each week from U.S. airports alone and only 3% of laptops are ever returned (http://www.propeller.com/story/2008/11/24/interesting-laptop-theft-statistics/). Before you…

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