Fallout 3 PC Review

Ok, so I’ve heard that Fallout3 is controversial but I can’t figure out why exactly though or what’s so controversial about this game. The controversy could be that Bethesda made such a great game all the others will be left…

Far Cry 2 PC Review

By now I’m sure most of you have heard that Far Cry 2 has nothing at all to do with the Far Cry we’ve come to know and love, to some that might be a good thing and to others…

Black and Decker Power Monitor

  When you’re a product reviewer, or run a product review site, there are times when you’ll get requests for products, many times in fact, and as you get more popular the more requests you’ll get. With these requests comes…

Logitech PlayGear Pocket Lite

 Yesterday we looked at the Playgear Gear Pocket Slim for the PSP. Since we don’t want our Nintendo DS Lite friends to feel left out, today we will look at the PlayGear Pocket Lite. This case is also designed to…

Logitech PlayGear Pocket Slim

  Cases designed to protect portable gaming systems can be bland. Sure you get the physical protection, but they lack individuality. Logitech has addressed this issue with their newest case the PlayGear Pocket Slim for the PSP 2000 series aka…

Corsair TX750W 750Watt Power Supply

Corsair is very much known for it’s excellent performing memory,  but they’re recently moved into the power supply business and all over the place they’ve gotten rave reviews and praise about them, so apparently they’re very good. Today I’ve got…

Razer Lachesis Gaming Mouse

  There’s all sorts of mice out there today, and you’ll find that none of them are created equal, they all have pros and cons, and it’s really going to take a bit to find the one that’s right for…

Das Keyboard Professional Keyboard

Being a reviewer I’ve got the chance to test/review many, many types and styles of keyboards that are on the market today, every kind from multi-media, gaming to specialized styles as well and I’ve learned that not all keyboards are…

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