Review of iFit Active

The term wearable has become the latest technological buzzword. This word can describe many different devices such as smart watches and fitness trackers. With the imminent release of the much discussed Apple Watch we will definitely be hearing this word…

Review of Kingston HyperX Cloud Headset

For today’s review we will be looking at the latest pro gaming headset from Kingston. You may be thinking, “wait a minute, Kingston makes memory and storage products – what is this gaming headset talk?” The HyperX Cloud Headset is…

Apple Announces Apple Pay

So Apple also announced their very own payment system and I have to ask, do we really need yet another payment system? I know Apple policies and I can’t see this actually going well for the consumer using it, but…

Apple Unveils Apple Watch

So Apple introduced there very own wearable and called it very unoriginally the Watch. Seriously? They couldn’t’ come up with a better name than that? My question of course is that are they going to try and trademark the name…

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