Review of Bem Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Band

Hello and welcome. Today for review is the Bem (pronounced Beam) Wireless Bluetooth Speaker Band. As you may have gleamed from product name, this is basically a speaker that you can take with you everywhere you go. However this is…

KickStarter Xpressivo X1 Coffee Maker

I’m typing this as I’m drinking my plain old coffee and thinking that an espresso would be nice right about now. Anyway, if you’re into KickStarter and coffee then you might be interested in the new Xpressivo X1 Coffee Maker…

Poweradd Announces 50W Desktop USB Charger

We’ve reviewed a few Poweradd products here on technogog and I’ve really found no issues with any of them, so the ones I’ve personally seen are good ones. The products I’ve reviewed from them were all portable batteries but they…

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